Looking Back At 2022: A Friends Group Impact Report

Our Friends Group Partners make many significant contributions on behalf of Minnesota's parks and trails every year. While some of it gets highlighted in emails and newsletters, much of it flies under the radar, despite its incredible value to the park and/or trail in question. ...
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Native yellow sunflowers in a field

Field trip brings students to plant native seeds on the Gitchi Gami Trail

Earlier this spring, 37 students from Cook County Public Schools stepped out of their school, hopped on their bicycles, and peddled the Gitchi Gami State Trail, where they helped restore native landscaping. The field trip was a hands-on event that brought together bicycle safety, natural ...
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Elementary students in yellow safety vests on a trail

DNR Update: Volunteering Reminders, Planning Progress, and Free Park Day

An update from Arielle Courtney, DNR It’s hard to believe it’s already June. Congratulations to all of us on surviving a very, very long winter! I hope many of you were able enjoy the snow, but now let us rejoice in the spring and summer ...
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May 15, 2023

New Tracks at Belmont County Park

From Friends of the Jackson County Trails Single-tracks, also known as off-road trails, are one to four-foot wide unpaved trails that wind through outdoor spaces. Belmont County Park located eight miles from the City of Jackson and twelve miles from the City of Lakefield, has ...
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Great River Ridge State Trail extension one step closer

Land Project Update Anyone who has traveled on the Great River Ridge State Trail in southern Minnesota has likely wondered why the trail abruptly ends at a cornfield along County Road 9. Across the road, a rusty railroad track reveals the corridor’s original use, but ...
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Great River Ridge State Trail passing by field

Webinar: Geology and Scenery of Minnesota’s North Shore

About this webinar What makes natural scenery beautiful? There are many answers to that question, but geology is often part of the answer. In this presentation on Minnesota’s scenic North Shore, Dr. Fitz will share ideas and photographs of how the geology of the region …

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April 3, 2023

Engaging youth service organizations: A Friends Group Partner Primer

Building volunteer capacity is a consistent concern for many Friends Groups. Habitat restoration, event planning, invasives removal, and information gathering can all require many hands on deck, and sometimes, it can be helpful to call on your wider community for assistance. Youth engagement is a ...
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Testifying for Trail Maintenance at Minnesota Capitol

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to testify at the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee this week. Andrew Oftedal, P&TC’s research and policy manager, presented our State of the Trails Report, which categorized the condition of every mile of trail. Our analysis shows …

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Conference room with two people at table presenting to semi-circular table of legislators.

Four Friends Groups receive funding for habitat restoration in 2023

In 2023, Parks & Trails Council partnered with four friends groups to spearhead habitat restoration projects at natural areas around the state. See our recap of their activities below! 2023 by the Numbers $10,000 4 173 291 Funds granted Friends Group Partners Trees and shrubs ...
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The Friends of Lashbrook Park pose for a photo

2022 Friends Group Habitat Restoration Grants Recap

In 2022, Parks & Trails Council partnered with six Friends Groups to spearhead habitat restoration projects at state and regional parks and trails. See the recap below. 2022 by the Numbers $11,550 $8,174 6 413 717.5 Funds granted Local cash match Friends Group Partners Trees ...
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March 2, 2023

Webinar: Partnering with Youth Groups

Details Hear from Tony Manzara (Friends of Lake Elmo's Sunfish Lake Park) and Jill Beim (Friends of Tettegouche State Park) about their group's experiences partnering with youth groups. More Webinar Recordings
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Outdoor clubs: An antidote to loneliness, political divisions, and more

Solitude in nature is precious—just you, the birds, and the trees—there’s nothing else like it. But, sometimes, the fellowship that comes from sharing the outdoors brings another kind of benefit. Unfortunately, busy schedules and competing demands make it challenging to connect with others. Cue in ...
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Special Places Winter 2023

From the President | Land Update | Legislative Agenda | Outdoor Clubs | Research Project | Camden State Park highlight
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Newsletter cover features an eagle gliding over water

In memory of parks champion Dave Durenberger

Memorial service to be live streamed Feb. 7 at 10 am. As the tributes to Senator Dave Durenberger continue to pour in following his passing on Jan. 31 at the age of 88, there is a common thread that runs through all of them. Sen. …

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Former farm cleanup underway at future William O’Brien addition

February 1, 2023 Cleaning up a century-old farm takes time. They have a tendency to collect more than just memories. Stuff abounds, from the long-forgotten broken tractors to the more recent refrigerators--not to mention personal items in the house. So, when Parks & Trails Council ...
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