February 11, 2019

Maple Syruping, Trail Realignment, Leaf Days, and More

excerpts from the Friends of Maplewood State Park's winter/spring 2019 newsletter Maple Syrup Season As we sit inside trying to stay warm and thinking about the coming of spring, the sap is thinking it's soon time to pack its bags and begin the trip up ...
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fishing off dock
February 8, 2019

We’ve put all Minnesota state trails on Google Streetview

How often have you wondered what a state trail actually looks like on the ground before you’ve visited? Well, you can put your imagination to rest, because Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota has partnered with Google Maps to allow anyone to “virtually” experience any …

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February 8, 2019

The proposed Lake Vermilion Trail

Scenic Lake Vermilion is the fifth largest lake entirely in Minnesota. But its real uniqueness comes from its jagged shoreline that twists and turns and winnows to create the longest shoreline in the state. Visitors are drawn here for the wilderness-like North Woods beauty, the ...
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February 8, 2019

Nearly ten years in the making

When local resident Carol Booth got involved with planning a new trail near Lake Vermilion in 2010, she knew it was going to be a long-term project. “One of the first things I did was make calls…and found it’s not uncommon to take 10 years ...
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Group shot of 12 members outside holding award
February 8, 2019

Board Member Spotlight on Anne Flueckiger

Traveling the globe to lead groups of adventurous women on spectacular outdoor hikes, that’s all just part of the job for Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota (P&TC) board member Anne Flueckiger.

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Anne Flueckiger by wooden arrow signs pointing to "Igaliku" and "Itilleq"
February 8, 2019

Acquiring a rare pebble beach for Tettegouche State Park

Stunning. That’s how most people think of Minnesota’s Lake Superior shoreline. Yet, amid all the scenery, only a meager number of public beaches exist allowing people to stroll up to the water’s edge; giving a chance to gently step into the frigid water—well at least ...
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January 31, 2019

A Busy Candlelight Event at Frontenac

From Frontenac State Park Association On Saturday, January 19, the moon was nearly full—2 days prior to the moon's eclipse. About 100 people came to experience Frontenac State Park by candlelight. A one-mile loop trail was set up with almost 200 ice candles and paper ...
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candle within an ice holder
January 31, 2019

2019 Grant Resources Guide is Available

Find funding for your Minnesota park or trail by perusing the 2019 Grant Resources Guide. Each year, Parks & Trails Council gathers information about grant programs that friends groups may be interested in applying for directly or in supporting a public land agency in their ...
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January 31, 2019

Meet the Glacial Ridge Trail Association

From Glacial Ridge Trail Association The outstanding resources along the Glacial Ridge Trail are primarily the result of the last major glaciation of West Central Minnesota. The massive amount of ice, thousands of feet in thickness and loaded with unnumbered tons of rock material, ceased ...
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January 31, 2019

Meet Friends of Oxbow

From Friends of Oxbow Large bends in rivers are often called “oxbows” due to their resemblance to oxen harnesses. Because of that, the oxbow around the main picnic area of the park inspired the park’s name when the first 465 acres of land were purchased ...
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Snowman and lighted arch for winter event
January 23, 2019

Special Places Newsletter – Winter 2019

Inside this issue: Our land project for Tettegouche Our 2019 legislative priorities State trails on Google Streetview Meet: Lake Vermilion Trail Work Group Meet: board member Anne Flueckiger

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Cover image of 2019 Winter newsletter
January 22, 2019

Friends Groups Make an Impact through Grant Program

P&TC secured $50,000 of grant funding from the Henry S. Crosby Foundation in order to launch a multi-year initiative to engage friends groups in implementing habitat restoration projects in state parks. In 2018, five friends groups each received a $5,000 grant to spearhead a location-appropriate, ...
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a group poses with their newly picked prairie seeds
January 22, 2019

2018: A Busy Year for Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails

From Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails In 2018 we continued to work towards enhancing public green spaces in Scandia. We hosted three talks in Scandia, including a citizen science program, and we partnered with the Marine Community Library on two other presentations. Our group ...
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group picture in the woods
January 22, 2019

Winter at Zippel Bay Includes Skis and Candlelight

From Friends of Zippel Bay State Park The first candlelight ski of the 2019 season went splendidly. We had gorgeous weather, with temperatures in the upper 20s that evening, and a wonderful turnout of 56 people who signed in, with many more who did not. ...
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a strong fire outside
January 10, 2019

Meet the Sibley State Park Improvement Association

A group of local park supporters, along with an active chapter of the Game Protective League, were key drivers in establishing Sibley State Park in 1919. Then, in 1935, the Sibley State Park Improvement Association was established to help enhance and enlarge the park while also ...
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photographer and horseback riders