Parks & Trails Council (P&TC)

Friends Group Grants

2024 Grant Overview

This webinar was recorded live on October 25, 2023, from noon to 1pm.

Logo for Friends Group Partner Grants


Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota proudly offers a small grant program for our Friends Group Partners to support habitat restoration projects.

Our public lands are enhanced when volunteers engage in hands-on habitat restoration projects that contribute to a collective land ethic. A major goal of this program is to boost Friends Group efforts to engage with their members and new volunteers with meaningful projects. When Friends Groups, land management agencies, and Parks & Trails Council work together, we can accomplish much more than we would on our own.

Grant Overview (PDF)

Key Dates & Background Info

Draft Application: January 26, 2024

Final Application: February 9, 2024

Please review the Grant Overview pdf above before applying. Be sure to connect with your land management agency contact and the Friends Group Program Manager from P&TC (651-370-7907) while developing your group’s application. Applications can be submitted to

Planning Discussion Guide (PDF)

Application Materials

The minimum grant request is $500 and the maximum grant request is $2,500. Grant awards will be issued to qualifying Friends Groups with appropriate projects in 2024.

Grant Application (Word) Budget & Volunteer Log Template (Excel)



Projects should be focused on habitat restoration. For example: planting tree/native plants, protecting trees/native plants, seed collection, and invasive species removal.

  • Land / Resource
  • People / Engagement


Applicants must be a Friends Group Partner of Parks & Trails Council.

  • 501(c)3
  • Fiscal Client
  • Unincorporated Association

Land Type & Geography

Projects that take place on parks and trails in Minnesota are eligible.

  • Park
  • Trail