Tettegouche State park courtesy of Gary Alan Nelson

Meet our Friends Group Partner

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is proud to act as the fiscal sponsor for Friends of Tettegouche State Park.

As a fiscal sponsor, we partner to advance their cause and provide the tools and building blocks to run a nonprofit, including receiving, holding and administering funds on behalf of the friends group.

Friends of Tettegouche State Park

Tettegouche State Park pinpointed on map of MinnesotaMission

Support and encourage the park’s recreational, interpretive, educational and environmental activities.

Friends Since


Highfalls waterfall
Tettegouche State Park by Dan Kalusche
SHT in Tettegouche State Park by Gary Alan Nelson
SHT in Tettegouche State Park by Gary Alan Nelson
Tettegouche High Falls Crossing by Katlyn Benson
Tettegouche High Falls Bridge Crossing.
Katlyn Benson/P&TC photo contest

Friends of Tettegouche State Park


Artist Reception for Emily Donovan

Free Summer Concert

Free Park Day Scavenger Hunt

Artist Reception for Laura Ahola-Young

Winter Fest

Artist Reception for Melinda Wolff

Tettegouche Annual Meeting

Concert in the Park featuring Northeast Timberland Band

Artist Reception for Lonnie Broden

Artist Reception for E.J. Klepinger

Music in the Park

Artist Reception for Dodie Logue

Artist Reception for Terri Huro

Winter Fest

Artist Reception for Gordon Dietzman

Leave No Trace Informational Booth

Art in the Park

Free Park Day Scavenger Hunt

Art in the Park

Webinar: The Miracle of Maples

Geocaching at Tettegouche

Friends of Tettegouche Annual Meeting

Scavenger Hunt Banner

2021 Scavenger Hunts

Two band members with string instruments

“The Lost Forty” Concert

Nature Book Club: “Flight Behavior”

Livestream: Antlers and the Animals that Wear Them

snowy island

Book Club: Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez

Friends of Tettegouche Annual Member Meeting

Winter Fest

flowing water

“Art in the Park” Artist Reception – Rita Corrigan

“Art in the Park” Artist Reception – Jane Johnson

Friends of Tettegouche State Park


Friends of Tettegouche State Park

Our Partner Grant Project

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota offers grants to support friends groups' projects.

Friends of Tettegouche State Park

Our Partner Land Projects

Tettegouche State Park Land Projects

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is honored to have worked with Friends of Tettegouche State Park on land acquisition.

Click to view details

Meet Another Friends Group