Meet our Friends Group Partner

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is proud to act as the fiscal sponsor for Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park.

Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods

MN Map NerstrandMission

A community organization devoted to preserving and enhancing the experience of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park. This group seeks to:

  • Sustain the natural beauty and ecology of the park
  • Support interpretive and environmental education programs of the park
  • Advocate for the park
  • Promote awareness of the park’s resources
  • Provide volunteers and support when needed

Friends Since


Group walking through prairie and looking at plants
The friends help to organize events throughout the year, like this prairie hike
Friends standing by newly installed park bench
The friends work to add visitor amenities like this bench
Wooden sign says

Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park


Monarch Butterfly Walk

monarch on milkweed flower

Monarchs and Milkweeds

yellowish butterfly on yellow flower

Art in the Park

yellowish butterfly on yellow flower

Wild Flower Ambassadors

Art in the Park

monarch on purple aster flowers

Butterfly Talk

A panoramic shot of the night sky in Minnesota

Universe in the Park

closeup of understory flower

Art in the Park

Friends of Nerstrand Annual Meeting

Ephemeral Wildflowers

one bright candle with a full moon in the background

Annual candlelight ski and walk

field of bison

Bison Archaeology

Art Time in the Park

monarch on milkweed flower

Monarchs and Milkweed

Monarch Butterfly Walk

people snowshoeing while it snows

Nerstrand Big Woods Snowshoe/Walk

Group walking through prairie and looking at plants

A Walk in the Big Woods

monarch on milkweed flower

Butterfly Walk

Scavenger Hunt Banner

2021 Scavenger Hunts

Candles along path in snow

Candlelight Ski/Snowshoe/Walk

Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park


Friends of Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

Our Partner Grant Project

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota offers grants to support friends groups' projects.

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