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Anthony Taylor’s speech

Parks & Trails Council 2023 Reuel Harmon Award was presented to Anthony Taylor during our Annual Dinner. Here is the full acceptance speech Anthony delivered at the dinner.   “Good evening, friends, family, and fellow advocates. I am deeply humbled and profoundly grateful to be …

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Two people in suits with one holding a wooden award with a loon

Anthony Taylor

Building equitable access to the outdoors

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Headshot of Anthony Taylor in an orange shirt with leaves in the background

Mulch and mud pies: a nature play area opens at Tettegouche

After three years of hard work, the Friends of Tettegouche held the ribbon-cutting ceremony for their Nature Play Area on Saturday, August 26th. The play area, which is designed to be ADA-accessible and includes a variety of play features, is located at the park’s High ...
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Members of the Friends of Tettegouche hold a ribbon intertwined with leaves while the assistant park manager prepares to cut it.

Webinar: Invasive Species of Minnesota

Details Hear from Laura Van Riper, Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator for the Minnesota DNR, about some of the most concerning invasive plants and animals in the state, as well as what the average citizen can do to counter them. More Webinar Recordings
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DNR Update: MOUs for Friends Groups

Arielle Courtney, DNR Parks & Trails Partnership Development Consultant, shares an opportunity to offer feedback on an updated template Memorandum of Understanding agreement that will be eventually used with all Friends Groups, as well as a reminder about September events.
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Cleaning up at the Gateway State Trail

On August 5th, a group of volunteers gathered at Rotary Park in North Saint Paul to clear out an overgrown stretch of the Gateway State Trail. This event was the opening act in a project led by the Gateway Brown's Creek Trail Association and funded ...
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Parks & Trail Council’s land acquisition program gains major potential

Parks & Trail Council is proud to announce a significant advancement in the potential funding of our land acquisition program. For the first time in our history, we have applied for funding from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) to help us acquire land …

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ENRTF logo

Glendalough Park Partners

Champions of a Park Legacy

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Collage of four photos showing scenes from Glendalough State Park with a wood plaque overlaid in the center

2023 community-driven trail projects: an update

For a period of time this spring, it was an open question as to whether the Minnesota Legislature would pass a bonding bill. After some political maneuvering from both sides of the aisle, however, the 2023 bonding bill was signed into law by Governor Walz, …

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Minnesota State Capitol

Restoring tree cover at Frontenac State Park

Emerald Ash Borer has devastated the tree canopy across Minnesota, and Frontenac State Park is no exception. Over the last few years, park staff have been forced to remove more than 250 ash trees from the area, with 30 more projected to be removed in …

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A group of Girl Scouts and Friends Group volunteers stand around a recently dug hole at the park. There is a sapling on the left that is ready to be planted.

The Friends of Lashbrook make space for the bees

Did you know Minnesota has a state bee? The Rusty Patched Bumblebee (B. affinis) is a charismatic little insect with a band of coppery fur on its abdomen. But it's facing some steep challenges due to habitat loss, and is currently listed as endangered in the United ...
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Looking Back At 2022: A Friends Group Impact Report

Our Friends Group Partners make many significant contributions on behalf of Minnesota's parks and trails every year. While some of it gets highlighted in emails and newsletters, much of it flies under the radar, despite its incredible value to the park and/or trail in question. ...
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Native yellow sunflowers in a field

Field trip brings students to plant native seeds on the Gitchi Gami Trail

Earlier this spring, 37 students from Cook County Public Schools stepped out of their school, hopped on their bicycles, and peddled the Gitchi Gami State Trail, where they helped restore native landscaping. The field trip was a hands-on event that brought together bicycle safety, natural ...
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Elementary students in yellow safety vests on a trail

Great River Ridge State Trail extension one step closer

Land Project Update Anyone who has traveled on the Great River Ridge State Trail in southern Minnesota has likely wondered why the trail abruptly ends at a cornfield along County Road 9. Across the road, a rusty railroad track reveals the corridor’s original use, but ...
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Great River Ridge State Trail passing by field

Webinar: Geology and Scenery of Minnesota’s North Shore

About this webinar What makes natural scenery beautiful? There are many answers to that question, but geology is often part of the answer. In this presentation on Minnesota’s scenic North Shore, Dr. Fitz will share ideas and photographs of how the geology of the region …

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