Friends of Scandia

The Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails start work at Liten Park

About a dozen residents of Scandia braved cold winds, wet ground, and prickly ash on April 20th in the name of restoring Liten Park. The park, recently acquired by the City of Scandia, is currently an irregularly shaped trapezoid of long grasses and woody bracken. ...
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Nine people stand in front of a pile of cut branches, smiling.

Three Friends Groups receive funding for habitat restoration in 2024

Three Friends Groups have received funding for habitat restoration in 2024. These projects will address a variety of habitat-related issues at state and regional parks, including the restoration of bird habitat around a wildlife blind, creative erosion control measures at a high-traffic picnic area, and ...
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February 10, 2022

2022 Legislative Monitoring: Community-driven trail projects

We support volunteer friends groups to advocate for trail projects in their communities. The table below highlights key actions that have been taken on this priority issue during the 2022 Legislative Session. We will work to update this table throughout the session. Casey Jones State ...
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man bicycling on fresh pavement
February 7, 2022

Friends of Scandia Newsletter 2022

From Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails In This Issue Gateway extension Plant Walks Lilleskogen Invasive Shrub Removal Click image to view newsletter Go to friends' main page
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March 9, 2021

Spring News 2021 – Friends of Scandia

From Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails In This Issue William O'Brien pollinator survey Ecological management at Wind in the Pines Park Buckthorn removal Gateway Trail Extension Click image to download Go to friends' main page
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February 7, 2020

Friends of Scandia Parks Year in Review – Newsletter

From Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails In This Issue 2019 Highlights Educational Programs Park Stewardship GreenSteps City 2020 Vision Board Leadership Changes Photo by: Karen Schik Click to view Go to friends' main page
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A number of folks plant prairie plants in a flower bed
July 18, 2019

Pollinator Survey – Butterflies, Beetles, and Bees, Oh My!

From Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails Sunday, August 11, 10am-12pm Join us for a special event at William O'Brien State Park where you'll learn to identify and survey our fascinating native pollinators! No experience needed. Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails is partnering with the MN DNR to ...
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Bee on purple flower
May 30, 2019

Friends of Scandia to Implement Pollinator Projects this Summer

From Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails As summer begins, the Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails embarks on a number of projects to continue improving pollinator habitat, engage local community members, and advance support for parks and trails. Pollinator Planting Management The 1-acre native ...
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Two women take a quick break from clearing buckthorn
April 9, 2019

Friends of Scandia 2019 Spring Speaker Series

From Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails announces its spring 2019 season of speakers. Events are open to the public. For more information contact Janie O'Connor (651) 481-3152 or Friends of Scandia members Building Resiliency to Climate Change ...
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Native yellow sunflowers in a field
January 22, 2019

2018: A Busy Year for Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails

From Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails In 2018 we continued to work towards enhancing public green spaces in Scandia. We hosted three talks in Scandia, including a citizen science program, and we partnered with the Marine Community Library on two other presentations. Our group ...
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group picture in the woods
January 8, 2018

Friends of Scandia Activities in 2017

From Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails In 2017, Friends of Scandia implemented a number of initiatives, including educational programs, supporting Scandia Parks, and participating in events. See below for a quick review. Educational Programs Our activities for 2017 were focused on three educational programs. ...
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group picture
February 16, 2016

Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails look to make city pollinator friendly

From Forest Lake Times Members of the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails are trying to make the city more desirable for pollinating bugs, such as butterflies and bees.
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Bee on purple flower
November 5, 2009

New Organization with Big Plans

Scandia, 25 miles northeast of St. Paul, is a relatively new city—incorporated in January 2007—with an even newer Friends organization. Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails elected its first board of directors just this past January. “I happened to be on the city’s park and ...
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