Letter from Parks & Trails Council President. If we've learned anything during the pandemic it is how important parks and trails are to all of our lives. And while the explosion in their use has been especially pronounced over the past two years, the truth of the matter is that growth in visitation is well evidenced over the past decade.
We support volunteer friends groups to advocate for trail projects in their communities. The table below highlights key actions that have been taken on this priority issue during the 2022 Legislative Session. We will work to update this table throughout the session. Casey Jones State ...
We encourage legislative efforts to develop new programs that welcome more BIPOC communities into parks and trails. The table below highlights key actions that have been taken on this priority issue during the 2022 Legislative Session. We will work to update this table throughout the ...
We oppose all efforts to introduce or expand the use of motorized, off-highway vehicles in state parks and alongside state trails. The table below highlights key actions that have been taken on this priority issue during the 2022 Legislative Session. We will work to update ...
We support funding the agencies' requests for capital improvement projects at state and regional parks and trails. The table below highlights key actions that have been taken on this priority issue during the 2022 Legislative Session. We will work to update this table throughout the ...
Forest bathing: what an intriguing term. Have you heard about this idea? If you’re like me, you’ve seen the idea popping up here and there, but have never come across a satisfying explanation of what it is, exactly. So, when I saw an opportunity to participate in a 2-hour, guided forest-bathing session at a nearby park, I jumped at the chance to finally figure out this mystery.
When P&TC’s Land Fund was stretched to its max with recent land acquisitions, we reached out to our members to ask for help in funding this critical tool. And you all responded in force to ensure P&TC’s work of acquiring land for parks and trails …
What's in a name? Test your knowledge of the origin, meaning and other fun facts about Minnesota parks and trails names. October 2021 Fun Quiz 1 / 5 The Gitchi Gami State Trail derives its name from an Anishinabe (Ojibwe) word that means what? ...
Earlier this year, the Star Tribune reported on the rise in all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and other off-high- way vehicles (OHV) use in Minnesota. According to the article, "Minnesota ATV registrations grew to 323,956 machines last year, a 36% increase from 15 years ago."
Trees of Minnesota 2021 August - Fun Quiz 1 / 4 Which of these tree species makes up the largest volume of Minnesota's forests? Quaking Aspen Shagbark Hickory Sugar Maple Hackberry Here are the top 10 trees in Minnesota and their estimated volume in million ...
It took a special session of the Minnesota Legislature to keep Minnesota’ s financial affairs in order, but a new two-year $52 billion state budget was passed in late June and went into effect on July 1. Despite a tumultuous session, a government shutdown was avoided, state parks remained open and most of the policy items P&TC worked to secure as part of our legislative agenda fared well.
A few short years after Glendalough State Park was established in 1991, volunteers banded together to form the Glendalough Park Partners. Their dedication and generosity are reflected in the quality experience this park offers. Everything from the modern restrooms to the trail signs, from prairie ...