Parks & Trails Council (P&TC)

Friends Group Grants

Logo for Friends Group Partner Grants


Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is proud to offer a grant program designed to support Friends Groups with the implementation of onsite youth engagement projects in state and regional parks and trails.  

 Parks and trails play an important role in engaging youth with the natural world. By facilitating meaningful outdoor connections for youth, we can help promote the next generation of environmental stewards. Friends Groups are uniquely positioned to assist in these efforts thanks to their commitment to stewardship, their working relationships with park staff and the community at large, and their existing efforts to actively connect people to public lands.  

Grant Overview (PDF)

Key Dates & Background Info

Draft Application: July 19, 2024

Final Application: August 2, 2024

Please review the Grant Overview pdf above before applying. Be sure to connect with your land management agency contact and the Friends Group Program Manager from P&TC (651-370-7907) while developing your group’s application. Applications can be submitted to

Application Materials

The minimum grant request is $500 and the maximum grant request is $1,000. Grant awards will be issued to qualifying Friends Groups with appropriate projects in September 2024.

Grant Application (Word) Budget Template (Excel)



Projects should be focused on engaging youth in an outdoors activity at a Minnesota park or trail. For example: birdwatching, identifying plants and animals, learning about weather and the seasons, maple syruping, etc.


Applicants must be a Friends Group Partner of Parks & Trails Council.

  • 501(c)3
  • Fiscal Client
  • Unincorporated Association

Land Type & Geography

Projects that take place on parks and trails in Minnesota are eligible.

  • Park
  • Trail