Acquire the 159 acres of restored blufflands that Parks & Trails Council purchased and is holding in trust for the park.
Project Impact
At the border of Frontenac State Park, near it’s entrance, lays land that holds outstanding natural beauty and a view to behold. In 2017 the owner put the land up for sale, thus presenting a small window of opportunity to protect this land for future generations to enjoy as part of the park. Parks & Trails Council began discussions right away, knowing that if the landowner sold to a private entity that would likely put an end to any future use as parkland, perhaps forever. This land holds a bluff overlooking the Pleasant Valley Creek and Lakelet as well as restored prairie and oak savanna lands.
While the beauty and location of this land makes it a natural addition for the park, it is currently outside the statutory boundary of the park. As such Parks & Trails Council is dedicated to leading the effort to incorporate this land into the boundary and park ownership.