December 19, 2022

The Jackson County Trail Action Plan is on its way

From Friends of the Jackson County Trails

The Friends of Jackson County Trails is working with the City of Jackson, Jackson County, and representatives from local schools to create a MnDOT-funded Trail Action Plan to connect the city of Jackson to Robertson, Brown, and Anderson County Parks to the south and Belmont County Park and Kilen Woods State Park to the north. The vision of the planning committee is to create “a scenic, family-friendly regional trail system that improves quality of life and attracts tourism.”

In November, the planning team met for the second time to discuss options for a roundabout on Highway 71 and to engage in a mapping workshop that identified potential routes for connecting to the three county parks to the south and the state and county park to the north. They also participated in a bus tour that visited all of the parks involved, sparking a lively conversation among participants about which biking routes are most well-traveled in the county.

The planning process is anticipated to wrap up in March 2023. Ultimately, the planning team hopes to facilitate greater participation in outdoor recreation within the county by providing safe trail corridors for users from all walks of life. If you live in Jackson County, or if you frequently recreate there, you can ask a question of the committee or fill out their survey here.


Photo Credit: Mindy Moore

About Phoebe Ward
