April 20, 2018

Glendalough State Park hosts annual walk April 21

By Glendalough Park Partners

The 22nd annual Walk for Glendalough will be Saturday, April 21, at Glendalough State Park. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at the historic Glendalough lodge, which will be open for tours. There is no fee to enter the park on this day, but because the walk is intended as a fundraiser, donations will be encouraged.

Visitors can grab a donut and some coffee or cider at the trail center before taking off for a morning stroll or bike ride. Walkers can plan a route of their own or head to the eagle nest, where the area naturalist will have spotting scopes set up to view the nesting eagles. Those unable to walk or bike long distances can take a shuttle for a tour with a stop near the eagle nest.

On return, a bratwurst lunch will be waiting. After lunch, there will be a short program. The total funds raised will be announced and park projects will be discussed. There will be door prizes.

To date, this annual fundraising event—sponsored by the Department of Natural Resources, Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota, and the Glendalough Park Partners—has raised over $300,000 for projects at Glendalough State Park. Projects have included year-round restrooms at the trail center, historic lodge restoration, the Molly Stark Lake picnic shelter, the Annie Battle Lake hiking trail bridge, the outdoor seating area, prairie restoration, wildlife viewing blinds, rental and interpretive equipment, and much more.

A portion of the proceeds from this year’s event will go towards a platform for the outdoor seating area, cabinets for interpretive storage in the trail center, and installation of new interpretive panels by Sunset Lake about the former Glendalough Game Farm. In addition, the park partners will update walkers on the fundraising efforts for a new trailhead building that would provide bike trail orientation, historical exhibits, a new equipment rental facility, and restrooms.

The event wraps up by 1 p.m., but visitors can always extend their day with an overnight stay in the cart-in campground, a camper cabin, or a yurt. For more information, call the park at 218-864-0110 or visit www.mndnr.gov/glendalough.


About Ashley Pethan
