Legislative Update: Upcoming House hearing on Minnesota’s trails
This Tuesday, March 29, the House Mining & Outdoor Recreation committee will be hearing testimony on 19 different park and trail bills, including bills on the Greater Minnesota grant program, Chester Woods Trail, Preston-Harmony Trail, Glacial Lakes Trail, Gitchi-Gami Trail, Heartland State Trail, Minnesota Valley Trail, and Mill Towns Trail, plus two bills that reflect the rehabilitation and development projects outlined in our 2016 legislative agenda. While not certain, this is likely to be the only testimony the House hears this session on park and trail bonding projects. The committee hearing is scheduled to start at 2:45pm and end at 4:30pm. If you are able to attend the hearing in person, please let Parks & Trails Council know. A strong showing of support is important even if you are not testifying.
In other park and trail happenings at the capitol this past week:
On Thursday, March 17, the House Environment & Natural Resources committee heard the appropriations bill for the Natural Resources Trust Fund (HF 2993). The committee passed an amended version of the bill which removed a number of projects, including $2.5 million for state park and trail acquisition. The Senate will be taking up the bill later in session.